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Biomasse dans les plantations

A tool to estimate the amount of biomass for bioenergy production in fast-growing species plantations and fallow lands

The ENBIOCAL tool was developed to estimate the biomass content in fast-growing species plantations and fallow lands. In the case of plantations, the tool suggests two sampling methods that be used to estimate the minimum number of samples required to obtain the desired level of precision. From this sample size, it is possible to estimate total biomass content in a plantation. The main advantage of this tool is that it integrates both the sampling method and the computation of a representative sample size, which is then used to estimate a plantation's biomass content. This tool can also be used to calculate the biomass in fallow lands.

ENBIOCAL makes it possible to:

  • Estimate the sample size required to estimate biomass in plantations
  • Estimate biomass in plantations
  • Estimate the biomass of small-diameter woody species in fallow lands
  • Compute the area of plantations or fallow lands using GPS or other types of coordinates

The models, analysis methodology, and error terms are presented in the following scientific paper:

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